Monday, February 18, 2008

Day at the park

We went on a treasure hunt to find a good park today. After three attempts we finally found a park Grey would enjoy. We thought it was going to be a nice day, but when we got there....not so much. It was a chilly one!! The wind picked up and it was cold! We bundled up and went out to play anyway. Grey loves the swings. I felt bad b/c we had her little hands all wrapped up in her ski socks so she couldn't hold on to anything. She was full of smiles though. There was this purple dinosaur there that she kept pointing to. As soon as she got on the dino she was pointing at something else. She was so funny!! Daddy took her down a couple slides. She liked them, but I think she was too cold to really enjoy it. She was happy to be outside. Grey loves the sun and the wind. I think if she could would be outside all day long. We left after the swings...Grey's Cheekies were nice and rosey when we got back in the car.
On our way home we saw that there was a new puppy store that opened. Grey insisted on stopping. What could we say?? Grey got to pet some of the puppies there. She was sooo happy. That was the end to a great day with the family!!!

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