Thursday, February 14, 2008

Grey's First Birthday!!

We just celebrated Grey's first birthday last week. We had a party with our friends and family. It was ladybug themed. Dan's parents, sister, and cousins were able to come out for the big day. Grey loved all the attention, presents and people there. She was so happy! The only time she cried was when we put here birthday hat on. Even though she was upset she still looked so stinking cute!! She had a special cake that mama made her. She didn't dig into it, she just picked at it like a lady would :) She had a couple bites and seemed to like it. It was a big day for her! She slept like a rock that night.

I can't believe that it's been a year already. Time really flies when you have a little munch. I think the hardest thing Dan and I have had to deal with is adjusting to having another person to take care of other than ourselves. The lack of sleep, not being able to just get in the car and go are just some things that have changed this past year. I couldn't imagine what life would be without my baby though. As hard as it has been I wouldn't change it for the world!!!

All the new things Grey has learned this year is amazing! It's neat that within days she can be on to something new. She just started crawling this past week. Last night she pulled herself up onto a chair. I love seeing the changes everyday!! She is talking a lot more. It's like she is a little person.

Grey has been such a blessing. She has taught us a new level of patience, a love no one can explain, a new way to look at the world. God has given us such a gift by allowing us to be her parents.

This year has been hard too, I'm not going to lie. Trying to adjust to the roles of parents have been extremely difficult for Dan and I. We are trying to figure out how to balance being parents and being married at the same time. I don't know if a lot of people struggle with that, but that has been the hardest thing for us. We both work really hard and we don't have family around to releave us from time to time so we get stuck sometimes. "Who is more tired, who does the most around the house, who is with Grey all the time?" those are some of the things we then begin to fight about. We know it does nothing for the situation, but we fight anyway. This year Dan and I both want to work on that part of our marriage!! We want a marriage where Grey can look at us and really see what not only love is, but what God's love is!!

We would love the prayer and support of our family and friends as we venture into another year with our baby. Dan and I would love to become better spouses and parents this year! We know that we can't do it alone!!!

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